Title: You Can Do Anything Pdf The Surprising Power of a "Useless" Liberal Arts Education
Author: George Anders
Published Date: 2019-01-08
Page: 352
Praise for You Can Do Anything"Utterly fascinating and massively important. George Anders peers into his signature crystal ball, and paints a portrait of the future of work that's as compelling as it is provocative."―Adam Grant, Wharton professor and New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take and Originals"Anders' latest book is a must-read for liberal arts students and grads. Packed with relatable stories and role models, it not only inspires you with stories about what liberal arts grads have done with their educations, but also gives you a clear map to find your own path in the world."―Laszlo Bock, author of Work Rules!, former SVP of People Operations at Google, and CEO of Humu, Inc."Anders shows us precisely why majors like Philosophy, History, and Anthropology teach the skills employers can't outsource to robots and software... students should feel not only reassurance or permission but an actual obligation to go there, for their own sake, and for the sake of us all.'"―Julia Lythcott-Haims, author of How to Raise an Adult and former Dean of Freshmen at Stanford University"I could have used this book several times in my life. When I graduated from Northwestern with a degree in linguistics... and even today, when I'm the parent of high school junior intent on studying poetry and modern dance in college. You Can Do Anything will inspire a new generation to greater heights, while delivering a much-needed wake-up call to campus leaders and employers."―Daniel H. Pink, New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Drive and A Whole New Mind"The career stories of liberal arts graduates provide the best argument for the value of their education. George Anders, in his thoughtful new book You Can Do Anything, tells these stories in a compelling manner, weaving the threads of their education into the tapestry of their lives, demonstrating over and over why employers should seek out these unique thinkers. An interesting read and valuable for any liberal arts graduate or recruiter!"―Dr. Katharine Brooks, author of You Majored in What? and Executive Director of the Vanderbilt University Career Center"As a parent about to send her second child off to college--this one has a theater major--George Anders' book was not just a good show topic, but a balm to my soul."―Krys Boyd, host of KERA's "Think""George Anders has provided a compelling and decisive answer to the recurring question, 'What is the value proposition of a liberal arts education?' Students should have this book in their backpack or on their iPads. So should their parents, teachers, and our policy-makers."―Frederick M. Lawrence, CEO of Phi Beta Kappa Society"At the present moment... it is only liberal arts majors who have to wonder whether all of the articles and books promoting the marketability of their chosen discipline should make them more or less uneasy about the future. Two additions to this growing field have appeared just in time to try to sooth the post-graduation panic.. [including] You Can Do Anything.... [Anders] suppl[ies] useful talking points in support of the financial viability of studying the liberal arts."―Timothy Aubry, New York Times Book Review"Useful guidance for newly minted job hunters"―Kirkus"Give this to anyone who is questioning the value of a classical education in today's fast-paced world."―Booklist George Anders is a contributing writer at Forbes, exploring issues related to careers, education and innovation. He is the author of five books, including Merchants of Debt, Health Against Wealth, the New York Times bestseller Perfect Enough, and The Rare Find. Earlier in his career, George served as a staff writer for The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company magazine and Bloomberg View. In 1997, he shared in a Pulitzer Prize for national reporting. He and his wife live in northern California. Their two sons are starting their own college adventures.
In a tech-dominated world, the most needed degrees are the most surprising: the liberal arts
Did you take the right classes in college? Will your major help you get the right job offers? For more than a decade, the national spotlight has focused on science and engineering as the only reliable choice for finding a successful post-grad career. Our destinies have been reduced to a caricature: learn to write computer code or end up behind a counter, pouring coffee. Quietly, though, a different path to success has been taking shape. In YOU CAN DO ANYTHING, George Anders explains the remarkable power of a liberal arts education - and the ways it can open the door to thousands of cutting-edge jobs every week.
The key insight: curiosity, creativity, and empathy aren't unruly traits that must be reined in. You can be yourself, as an English major, and thrive in sales. You can segue from anthropology into the booming new field of user research; from classics into management consulting, and from philosophy into high-stakes investing. At any stage of your career, you can bring a humanist's grace to our rapidly evolving high-tech future. And if you know how to attack the job market, your opportunities will be vast.
In this book, you will learn why resume-writing is fading in importance and why "telling your story" is taking its place. You will learn how to create jobs that don't exist yet, and to translate your campus achievements into a new style of expression that will make employers' eyes light up. You will discover why people who start in eccentric first jobs - and then make their own luck - so often race ahead of peers whose post-college hunt focuses only on security and starting pay. You will be ready for anything.
Get great career advice whether you are in the liberal arts, sciences, or engineering This is a fascinating book that shatters the many misconceptions and unfortunate stereotypes associated with a liberal arts degree--namely that graduating with such a degree is nice but closely tied to unemployment. Instead, the author provides a large number of "case studies" that describe how talented individuals with liberal arts degrees not only obtain jobs, they develop wonderful careers in highly competitive domains such as Silicon Valley start-ups. Anders does not "sugar coat" his description of what it takes to get to that "dream job." He appropriately describes both the setbacks and victories these liberal arts grads lived through to develop satisfying careers. The stories are fun to read as well as being instructive and inspiring. I think that many readers, beyond those contemplating or finishing a liberal arts degree, will enjoy this book. In fact, those in science and engineering would absorb a lot of great career advice that would apply to their own efforts to advance a career. In addition, teachers, guidance counselors, and professors (especially in the liberal arts!) would be well served to read this book to broaden their own thinking as to what is possible with a so-called, "useless" liberal arts education.Just like the title of his newest book Just like the title of his newest book, George Anders can write anything -- and do it in a way to engage readers and make us think. This book validated my own views; there's so much pressure out there that our children freak out when they don't know what to do with the rest of their lives by middle school. Thank you, George, for giving us all permission to relax and be okay when our children go off to college without a plan. They don't come out of the womb with instructions. They need to follow their own paths, and they can do amazing things with those history and sociology degrees. I am thinking about getting copies of this book for graduation gifts.The perfect education and career guide for teenagers, college undergrads and their nervous parents This book is must reading for any parent anxious about college bills, high school student worrying about career options or undergrad terrified of taking the wrong path through college. The message for all of them: Relax. Take a year or two or three to explore whatever excites you. The conventional wisdom is that you must immediately lock yourself into STEM -- science, technology, engineering and math. And those are fine choices if they appeal to you. But so are things like literature, history, philosophy, sociology or anthropology. As George Anders demonstrates, these supposed dead ends can still lead to great futures, and not just in academia. “The human touch has never been more essential in the workplace than it is today," he writes, and that is a touch that comes from exploring what makes people tick, not from a purely technical education. “You don’t need to apologize for the supposedly impractical classes you took in college or the so-called soft skills you have acquired," he writes. "The job market is quietly creating thousands of openings a week for people who can bring a humanist’s grace to our rapidly evolving high-tech future.” The idea is to learn how to think critically, communicate, work in teams and nurture an explorer's zeal for making sense of new technological and cultural worlds. A humanities degree, combined with technical knowledge gathered as needed, may put you ahead of those who concentrate only on job-specific skills. As Anders makes clear, employers need generalists who know “a little bit about tech—and a lot about human nature.” Four years of college may or may not yield a well-paid job. But if you can emerge from those four years with curiosity, creativity and empathy, you're probably on the right track for the long term.
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Tags: 031654888X pdf,You Can Do Anything pdf,The Surprising Power of a "Useless" Liberal Arts Education pdf,George Anders,You Can Do Anything: The Surprising Power of a "Useless" Liberal Arts Education,Back Bay Books,031654888X,AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF HIGHER EDUCATION,BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Education,Business & Economics/Education,CAREER AND VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE,Career,EDUCATION / Counseling / Career Development,Education,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Education,Family & Relationships/Education,GENERAL,General Adult,HUMANITIES,Non-Fiction,graduation; liberal arts; education; liberal arts education; post-grad; mid-career; humanities; tech; science; STEM; career change; college; english; psychology